Private Consulting

We don’t currently offer one-on-one consulting, but some of our members do!

One of our staff’s most important jobs is answering any questions you may have. We try to keep enough staff on hand so that we can assist all of our members. Staff can help you with the tools and provide up to 15 minutes of free project assistance, but we aren’t currently able to support longer consulting projects in an official capacity.

When should I do this? When you need more than 15 minutes of guidance for a project or would rather have it done for you than do it yourself, you might want to hire a private consultant. Some of our members are experts in various areas of the shop and are willing to take on private consulting gigs from time to time.

How much will this cost? The cost of projects will vary and will get negotiated between you and the person responding. Most jobs start at a minimum of $60/hr. Filling out the form below will forward the project request to our list of participating members and give them an opportunity to contact you directly.

How quickly will I get a response? Unknown. While some of the makers on our list may have immediate availability, others may be booked out for months ahead. It’s also possible that none of them have the exact skills needed to complete your request. If you don’t hear back from anyone within two weeks, we apologize, but it’s safe to assume that no one was available to take on your project at the moment. However, you’re welcome to submit it again in the future.

Disclaimer: Private consulting is not an official Maker Works service. We make no guarantee that someone will contact you, take on the job, or that you’ll like what you get. Our role is to get your request in front of the eyes of some talented makers and hopefully make a connection!

If you’re planning to use tools in the shop during this project, active membership is still required. Remember to reserve any required tools online for the time that you’ll need them!