Introduction to Household Tools

Duration: 3.5 hours
Class Size: TBD (Currently 6)
Price: $80 / person
type: skill development
AGES: 12+ (May consider MOTIVATED Younger people with a parent also taking the class)

Learn to use these common household tools…

…while building this hook rack to take home.

Prerequisites: None 

This is a class about common household tools. Everyone will build their own simple hook rack out of Poplar to take home (see photo) and in the course of doing that we'll learn about the following:

  • Measuring

  • Cutting wood with hand tools

  • Sanding

  • Nails, screws, hammers, and screwdrivers

  • Drilling

  • Clamping and gluing

  • Mounting stuff to walls and repairing small holes

Everyone will use a tape measure, saw, combination square, claw hammer, nail set, clamps, screwdriver, electric drill, stud finder, drywall anchor, drywall knife, drywall compound, level, and wood glue. We pack a lot into 4 hours!

You'll also receive a detailed set of notes (over 100 pages!) covering everything from class, plus a lot of extra information for later on. There's even a list of suggested tools to get you started with your own toolbox.

This class is recommended for folks who have never used a saw or drilled a hole, but would like to start learning how they can make and fix things around the house.  This would make a great class for students heading off on their own.

Check the calendar below to see if we’ve already scheduled a class that works for you!

No classes available or none that fit with your schedule? We may be able to schedule one by request. Note that requests may require a 4+ week lead time.